Moodle Release - December 2017 Post Upgrade Release
UNSW3-258 - Apply BASE-2525: filter_oembed: Update youtube unit test
Affects System - Applies a backend fix to resolve automated testing error.
UNSW3-259 - Apply BASE-2524: mod_teambuilder: v2017051900 compatibility fixes
Affects Staff - Enable instructor to update team names after assigning teams in Team Builder.
UNSW3-267 - Apply BASE-2531: mod_teambuilder: v2017051900 compatibility fixes 2
Affects Staff - Enable instructor to student responses after assigning teams in Team Builder.
UNSW3-265 - Apply BASE-2530: block_course_menu: Fix warnings when in Social course format
Affects Staff - Ensures warning messages do not occur with Course Menu block and Social course format.
UNSW3-266 - mod_forum: Fix automatically mark selected post as read in threaded mode
Affects Staff/Students - Ensures the instructor's first discussion is not displayed twice after a student reply if selecting Display replies in threaded form in Forum.
UNSW3-268 - Apply BASE-2536: local_teameval: Fixed issue with empty groups
Affects Staff - Applies a backend fix to prevent instructors from adding questions for an empty group when using Team Evaluation.
UNSW3-269 - Apply: BASE-2538: mod_elluminate: Fix missing language string for Update Activity button
Affects Staff/Students - Decommissions Blackboard Collaborate but instructor and student can still access old recordings. Instructor and student will be using Collaborate Ultra from now.
UNSW3-272 - mod_scorm: Fix incorrect result calculation when Max Grade is adjusted (3.3)
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes incorrect result calculation when Max Grade is adjusted for SCORM.
UNSW3-278 - filter_thebox: Replace error with Audio player
Affects Staff/Students - Replaces a mp3 file embedded from theBox with an audio player which will be functional when The Box supports streaming of audio files.
UNSW3-279 - course_format: Topcoll activity dropdown menu appearance in hidden section (3.3)
Affects Staff - Ensures activity dropdown menu appears clearly over the next section when the section is hidden.
UNSW3-284 - mod_lti: Apply MDL-60914 to fix broken CLI upgrade due to undefined function
Affects Staff - Applies a backend fix to ensure users can log in to Moodle UAT.
UNSW3-287 - videojs: Remove blue outline border when clicking the remaining time control
Affects Staff/Students - Removes the blue highlight border when user clicks on the remaining time of an audio control panel in Google Chrome and Safari.
UNSW3-201 - locallang: Update local_temporary_courses email template wording (3.3)
Affects Staff/Students - Applies a backend customisation on the generic email template to ensure it is using the UNSW template.
UNSW3-241 - lang: mod_mediagallery: Update Allow comments and Allow likes help text (3.3)
Affects Staff - Updates the Help text for "Allow comments" and "Allow likes" in Media Gallery.
UNSW3-270 - behat: Various Moodle 3.3 fixes
Affects System - Applies backend fixes for UNSW customisations.
UNSW3-271 - lang: mod_quiz: Update Help text for Submission grace period
Affects Staff - Updates the Help text for "Submission grace period" in Quiz.
UNSW3-273 - UNSW New theme improvements for Moodle 3.3 v4.0.1
Affects Staff/Students - Improvements to the UNSW theme.
UNSW3-276 - config: Enable allow stealth activities
Affects Staff - Enables staff to use the new Stealth activities in Moodle 3.3.
UNSW3-280 - Merge latest HOSTED branch
Affects System - Applies system and security patches.
UNSW3-281 - report_lti_creation: Update idnumber language to term
Affects System - Applies a backend customisation to ensure the LTI activity works with our term codes.
UNSW3-285 - repository_thebox: Implement streaming media from The Box
Affects Staff/Students - Updates to ensure audio and video files stored in theBox are directly streamed in Moodle 3.3.
UNSW3-290 - Fixes for dim names of suspended users in various activities for 3.3
Affects System - Applies a backend customisation to ensure that suspended users in Moodle are displayed in light grey.
UNSW3-234 - config: Set local/restrict_force_theme:changetheme to Allow for UNSWG Admin (3.3)
Affects UNSWG Administrator - Enables UNSWG Administrator to be able to change a theme in a course.
UNSW3-260 - config: Update tracking for Online Users Monitor - Notification & Report emails
Affects System Administrator - Enables an additional System Administrator to receive Notification & Report emails.
UNSW3-261 - task: remove old themes
Affects System - Removes old themes that are no longer supported.
UNSW3-262 - config: Update manager allow role switch configuration
Affects Manager - Enables Manager role to be able to switch role to all the UNSW roles.
UNSW3-263 - task: Track enabling theBox embedded filter
Affects Staff/Students - Enables a public theBox embedded video plays when embedded in Moodle.
UNSW3-264 - config: Update tracking for AGSM EE & UNSWG admins for Scheduler activity and Grid/Collapsed Topics course format settings
Affects AGSM EE Administrator and UNSWG Administrator - Enables AGSM EE Administrator and UNSWG Administrator to have the same capabilities for the Scheduler activity and Grid/Collapsed Topics course format settings as a TELT Administrator.
UNSW3-277 - Apply BASE-2542: fileconverter_stomp: Blackboard file converter
Affects Staff - Enables instructor to view and mark assignment (other than pdf files) in assignment grader.
UNSW3-283 - config: track setting to centre videojs play button
Affects Staff/Students - Displays the play button in the centre of the media player.
UNSW3-289 - task: Set end date into selected Moodle courses
Affects Staff/Students - Adds an end date of 23 November 2017 to all courses prior to Summer Semester 2017 so that they are displayed in the "Past" tab of the user's dashboard.
Moodle Release - November 2017 Moodle 3.3 Upgrade
UNSW3-225 - mod_oublog: Apply BASE-2436, replaced pix_url
Affects Staff - When adding an OU blog activity, a pix_url deprecated error shows.
UNSW3-244 - Apply BASE-2464: assignfeedback_editpdf: Fix generation of pdf to image conversion
Affects Staff - Student attached a PDF assignment, but the instructor cannot see it from the viewer.
UNSW3-247 - Block Customisations fixes for Moodle 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Debugging pix_url is deprecated error message is shown on a course homepage.
UNSW3-249 - local_teameval: Apply pull request #7 - Fix AJAX error on release tab
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes an error in Team Evaluation that caused an error dialog on the release tab.
UNSW3-250 - mod_workshep: Apply pull request #8 - Fix Workshop Phase Table display issue
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes UNSW Workshop Phase Table display issue.
UNSW3-252 - mod_workshep: Apply pull request #6 - MOOD-5336: Fix for enrolment bug
Affects Staff - Fixes an enrolment issue that occurs when a student is re-enrolled with previous grades for UNSW Workshop.
UNSW3-253 - mod_workshep: Apply pull request #4 - Fix broken headings in Evaluation phase
Affects Staff - Displays all 6 headers in the grading report table in the Grading Evaluation phase of UNSW Workshop.
UNSW3-254 - mod_workshep: Apply pull request #9 - Workshep enrol fix
Affects System - Fixes an issue when a background process throws a warning when trying to recover grades for a student in a course using UNSW Workshop.
UNSW3-257 - usertours: Use visible blocks only with tours (3.3)
Affects System - Ensures only visible blocks are used when configuring user tour steps.
UNSW3-157 - local_unswlogin: Prevent errors when installing locally
Affects Staff/Students - Ensures the correct login page is displayed for the organisations listed under Alternative logins.
UNSW3-168 - Assignment Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Assignment Customisations.
UNSW3-169 - Auth Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Improved authentication for Android Mobile App.
UNSW3-170 - Backup Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff - Improved shortname when restoring backup and merging to an existing course.
UNSW3-171 - CAR gradebook integration plugin for 3.3
Affects Staff - Improved update checking on uploading of CAR files.
UNSW3-172 - Course Format Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Course Format Customisations.
UNSW3-173 - Educational Design for 3.3
Affects Staff - Combines changes for EDA code from 3.1.
UNSW3-174 - Forum Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Forum customisations.
UNSW3-175 - HSU Forum Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Moodlerooms Forum customisations.
UNSW3-176 - Integration Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Changes email recipients list to be configurable and add recipient.
UNSW3-177 - LTI Creation for 3.3
Affects System Administrator - Mass add a LTI activity a match term code.
UNSW3-178 - Media Gallery and theBox Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Numerous Media Gallery and theBox Customisations.
UNSW3-179 - Category Creator plugin for 3.3
Affects Staff - Category creator plugin improvements.
UNSW3-180 - Theme Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Combined theme improvements.
UNSW3-181 - Workshep Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Numerous Workshep customisations.
UNSW3-182 - Group Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff - Auto-create based on Class ID option.
UNSW3-184 - UNSW user manager for 3.3
Affects Staff - Auth / Backup / Integration customisations.
UNSW3-185 - Staff Cohort Sync plugin for 3.3
Affects Staff - Staff Cohort Sync local plugin.
UNSW3-186 - Migration Request Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff - Combined Migration Request customisations.
UNSW3-187 - Moodle Filters for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Filter Customisations.
UNSW3-189 - qtype_dd[imageortext|marker]: Help text changes and reordering of inputs for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Help text changes.
UNSW3-190 - Dock Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Dock Customisations.
UNSW3-191 - Limit Enrolment Add Instance via capability for 3.3
Affects Staff - Limits the TELT Admin so they can only edit existing enrolment methods.
UNSW3-192 - User Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Combined improvements relating to user lists.
UNSW3-204 - Scheduler Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff - Scheduler Customisations.
UNSW3-205 - Dim names of suspended users in various activities for 3.3
Affects Staff - Dim names of suspended users in various activities.
UNSW3-206 - qtype_ddimageortext: Minor GUI fixes for 3.3
Affects Students - Minor fixes to the question type seen by the student.
UNSW3-207 - Glossary Customisations for 3.3
Affects Students - Add borders to entries and move approve icon location.
UNSW3-208 - enrol_database: (block|report)_student_feedback: Student feedback pages for 3.3
Affects Staff - Improvements to student feedback tool.
UNSW3-224 - Remove deprecation warnings from MDL-58507
Affects Staff - Removes excessive debugging warnings in logs.
UNSW3-229 - TeamEval Customisations for 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Combined TeamEval customisations.
UNSW3-233 - Login Customisations: MESC
Affects Staff - Removes warnings about non-existence themes.
UNSW3-240 - config: Remove Blackboard Collaborate add permissions
Affects Staff - Removes add permissions for block and module elluminate.
UNSW3-242 - Login Customisations: UNSW Global
Affects Staff - Changes to theme from unswglobal so it doesn't show warnings about non-existence theme.
UNSW3-243 - auth_ldapunsw: Migrate configuration for M3.3
Affects Staff - Centralises authentication settings.
UNSW3-251 - PVCE theme improvements for Moodle 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Combines PVCE theme improvements.
UNSW3-255 - config: Enable allow email domains for *
Affects Staff/Students - Display of sender email address in forum post notifications.
UNSW3-256 - UNSW New theme improvements for Moodle 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Combines UNSW theme improvements.
UNSW3-167 - Update to Moodle 3.3
Affects Staff/Students - Core Moodle 3.3 changes.
Moodle Release - September 2017 Client Release 10
UNSW3-236 local_educationaldesign: Ensure get_blocks w/s returns course visible blocks
Affects System - Update to API to only return course specific blocks.
UNSW3-237 local_educationaldesign: Ensure gradebook is setup before creating activities
Affects System - Update to API to ensure gradebook is setup prior to creating activities.
UNSW3-226 teameval: Teameval efficiency #2
Affects Staff/Students - Improvements to TeamEval efficiency.
UNSW3-165 mod_workshep: Put ungrouped users in their own category
Affects Staff - Updates to submit on behalf dropdown to identify students who are not part of a group.
UNSW3-217 theme_pvce: Updates to theme
Affects Staff/Students - Improvements to the UNSW Sydney theme.
UNSW3-219 mod_readingame: Apply BASE-2392: Fix quiz alignment issues
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes an alignment issue in the Reading Game activity.
UNSW3-220 mod_mediagallery: Change Youtube video position due to overlapping with top bar
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes an issue where the YouTube video was being cut off when viewed in the Media Collection activity.
UNSW3-221 block_inactiveuseralert: Alert should only go to that group of users
Affects Staff/Students - Updates the Inactive Users block so that when an alert is setup for a group activity, email alerts are only sent to group members.
UNSW3-223 Apply BASE-2413: mod_turnitintooltwo: Update to v2017070301
Affects Staff/Students - Updates the Turnitin plugin to version v2017070301.
UNSW3-227 mod_workshep: Workshep submit on behalf of fixes #1
Affects Staff/Students - Behind the scenes updates to the UNSW Workshop activity submit on behalf of feature.
UNSW3-228 teameval: Fix likert preview display issue #3
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes a display issue when using likert scale in the TeamEvaluation tool.
UNSW3-230 local_educationaldesign: Ensure activity grading is updated
Affects System - Updates to API to ensure activity grading is updated.
UNSW3-231 Apply BASE-2412: qtype_stack: Upgrade to v2017060600
Affects Staff/Students - Updates the Stack question type plugin to version v2017060600.
UNSW3-238 Merge latest HOSTED branch
Affects System - Applies system and security patches.
UNSW3-232 qtype_stack: Update configuration for M3.1 for new Stack plugin
Affects System - applies configuration updates for the new Stack question plugin.
Moodle Release - August 2017 Client Release 9 (Emergency)
UNSW3-218 - core_course_update_courses create sections after update numsections
Affects Staff/Students - Ensures the sections in a course get created after the number of sections is updated. Otherwise, the sections are not created until the course is viewed in a browser.
Moodle Release - August 2017 Client Release 8
UNSW3-188 - repository_thebox: Fix description display when creating media collection
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes an issue where description is not displaying on first load of a media collection.
UNSW3-195 - auth_cas: Fix authentication issue for CAS accounts using Android Browsers
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes an issue where users could not log into Moodle via web browser on Android devices.
UNSW3-211 - mod_mediagallery: Fix YouTube gallery mode mixed content issue
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes an issue where YouTube videos wouldn't display in the Media Collection activity since URLs to videos were not secure. Links to videos have now been updated to use HTTPS (secure link).
UNSW3-216 - Apply BASE-2395: core_session_redis: Define missing property
Affects System - Defines a missing property in the Moodle system that causes an error message to display.
UNSW3-154 - report_lti_creation: Show only preconfigured LTI instances in LTI Tool dropdown
Affects Admin Staff - Improves LTI batch tool to only display LTI tools setup at the system level.
UNSW3-156 - theme_pvce: Theme style updates, added logo
Affects Staff/Students - Updates to the PVCE theme including update to UNSW Sydney logo.
UNSW3-158 - report_lti_creation: Add filter based on category
Affects Admin Staff - Improves LTI batch tool to allow ability to add activities to specific Moodle categories.
UNSW3-215 - Merge latest HOSTED branch
Affects System - applies system and security patches.
UNSW3-102 - config: Update Gravatar Default URL settings
Affects System - update the configuration of the Gravatar tool to use secure links.
UNSW3-163 - config: Track a new role Staff Auditor
Affects System - The new Staff Auditor role is tracked by Blackboard.
UNSW3-164 - config: mod_hvp: Change permissions for roles in H5P module
Affects Staff - Permissions for new H5P activity are modified and tracked by Blackboard.
UNSW3-198 - theme_pvce: Update PVCE theme with layout and login fixes
Affects Staff/Students - Updates to the PVCE theme including updates to the login page layout.
UNSW3-210 - task: remove duplicate course type grade_item
Affects Staff - Fixes an issue in a specific Moodle course that causes errors in a quiz.
UNSW3-213 - db: Set force theme for UNICL-University College category
Affects UNSW Canberra Staff/Students - Track the configuration of the UNSW Canberra specific theme for courses in the Canberra Moodle category.
UNSW3-214 - config: Set moodle/course:changeidnumber to Allow for teltadministrator
Affects TELT Admin - Tracks permission change for the Moodle TELT Administrator role.
Moodle Release - July 2017 Client Release 7
UNSW3-159 - local_educationaldesign: Fix erroneous sections when creating activities
Affects System - Makes a fix to API.
UNSW3-166 - Apply BASE-2361: mod_readingame: Error adding an ASK question without a correct answer
Affects System - Fixes a system error when user does not select a correct answer when setting up questions in the Reading Game.
UNSW3-194 - format_grid: Apply BASE-2368: Unable to change the course format to Grid format
Affects Staff - Fixes an issue where administrative staff with relevant permissions were unable to select the Grid course format.
UNSW3-144 - mod: fix for Workshep and add calibration report
Affects Staff - Fixes an issue where updating of previously created examples in the UNSW Workshop activity would break the display of the examples.
UNSW3-162 - Apply BASE-2344: assignfeedback_editpdf: Cron task freeze on problem pdf to image conversion
Affects System - Fixes an issue where a backend task would freeze when specific types of PDF files were submitted to the Moodle assignment activity.
UNSW3-196 - local_educationaldesign: Add functionality to add questionnaire, turnitintooltwo, hsuforum, wiki and workshep
Affects System - Add functionality to be able to add the questionnaire, Turnitin, Advanced Forum, Wiki and UNSW Workshop activity via API functions.
UNSW3-197 - mod_mediagallery: Rearrange the order of Galleries inside a Media Collection
Affects Staff/Students - Adds improved functionality to re-order the galleries when viewing a media collection activity.
UNSW3-199 - repository_thebox: Split file picker to enhance search options
Affects Staff/Students - Adds improved filtering capability when searching for theBox files in the Moodle editor.
UNSW3-200 - mod_mediagallery: Visual update
Affects Staff/Students - Major visual improvements to the media collection when viewing media items.
UNSW3-202 - Merge latest HOSTED branch
Affects System - Applies system and security patches
UNSW3-203 - local_educationaldesign_externalservice: add authorization checks to functions
Affects System - Adds additional checks on functions to ensure that the function is not performing activity on items it does not have permission on.
UNSW3-209 - local_educationaldesign: Add get blocks web service
Affects System - Adds a new API function to pull block information.
New Feature
UNSW3-193 - local_educationaldesign: Add create & update LTI activity web service
Affects System - Adds a new API function to be able to create and update LTI activities from API functions.
UNSW3-151 - config: mod_webpa: Set activity to hidden
Affects Staff - Hides the WebPA activity in Moodle so that staff cannot use it. The TeamEvaluation tool replaces the WebPA activity.
Moodle Release - June 2017 Client Release 6
UNSW3-128 - auth_cas: Fix authentication issue for CAS accounts using Android Mobile App
Affects Staff/Students - Fixed an issue where staff/students could not log into UNSW Moodle via the Moodle Mobile app on Android devices and iPad
UNSW3-140 - lib: Resize embedded videos in popup glossary to fit the frame
Affects Staff/Students - Fixed an issue where videos appearing in glossary entry pop up windows was not being displayed properly.
UNSW3-152 - mod_assign: Extension due date not showing in submission status
Affects Students - Fixed an issue where the extended due date was not being displayed in the Moodle assignment activity where they were granted an extension.
UNSW3-161 - mod_readingame: Apply BASE-2332: Fix warning for game start and end
Affects Staff/Students - Fixed a warning for the Reading Game.
UNSW3-121 - filter_thebox: Correctly show older non-wide screen videos
Affects Staff/Students - Fixed an issue where non-wide screen videos were being cut off when being embedded from theBox.
UNSW3-133 - cron_nss: Fix issue causing sync to fail
Affects System - Fixed a permission issue that was causing the Moodle sync to fail.
UNSW3-143 - theme_unsw_canberra: Apply new theme
Affects Staff/Students - Courses in the UNSW Canberra category of Moodle now display a UNSW Canberra logo.
UNSW3-145 - Merge latest HOSTED branch
Affects Staff/Students - Applies system and security patches which includes a fix to prevent Moodle system outage when Turnitin service is experiencing issues.
UNSW3-147 - theme_pvce: Update theme default colour
Affects Staff/Students - Update the theme colour of the new pilot PVCE theme.
UNSW3-148 - mod_choice: Re-implement Choice Export customisation
Affects Staff - Add user ID and date/time stamp as separate columns to the Choice activity export.
New Feature
UNSW3-130 - mod_readingame: Enabling this plugin
Affects Staff/Students - Adds the Reading Game activity to Moodle.
UNSW3-138 - config/mod_hvp: Enable and config H5P plugin
Affects Staff/Students - Adds the H5P Interactive Content activity to Moodle. NOTE: Only certain H5P content types will be added as part of June release. To request other content types, please follow the New Feature Request process.
UNSW3-141 - Apply BASE-2290: mod_turnitintooltwo: Only show open assignments in course overview
Affects Students - Improves the Course Overview block to only show open Turnitin assignments to students.
UNSW3-149 - config: mod_workshep: Update role permissions
Affects System - Track permission updates to the UNSW Workshop activity.
Moodle Release - May 2017 Client Release 5
* UNSW3-142 mod_hvp: Apply BASE-2286 (f84702)
Affect System - Applies a backend database fix.
* UNSW3-109 theme_unsw_new: Update theme
Affects Staff/Students - Updates UNSW logo in the Moodle theme.
* UNSW3-113 theme_unsw_new: Improve remove custom menu items
Affects Staff/Students - Updates UNSW logo in the Moodle theme.
* UNSW3-124 qtype_ddimageortext: Minor GUI fixes
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes to user interface for the quiz drag & drop question type.
* UNSW3-129 config: Update MathJAX to 2.7
Affects Staff/Students - Updates MathJAX filter to version 2.7.
* UNSW3-131 Merge latest HOSTED branch
Affects Staff/Students - Applies system and security patches. Includes an updated Turnitin v2 plugin version.
* UNSW3-136 mod_workshep: Implement limiting submit on behalf of workflow by capability
Affects Staff/Students - Add a new Moodle permission for the submit on behalf of feature in the UNSW Workshop activity. This also fixes an issue where the non-submission count was being incorrectly calculated.
* UNSW3-137 auth_ldap: Reliability improvements
Affects System - Adds additional improvements and error checking to the user sync.
* UNSW3-118 config: Enable filter_mathjaxloader
Affects Staff/Students - Implements the MathJAX filter in Moodle which render mathematical formulas as text rather than as an image.
* UNSW3-123 config: Track updated auth/cas bind_dn setting
Affects System - Track changes to the connection settings for Moodle.
* UNSW3-127 config: Change the remaining permissions for Wimba tools modules
Affects Staff/Students - Hides the Wimba tools from the activity picker as they are no longer supported.
New Feature
* UNSW3-132 report_lti_creation: Mass add a LTI activity a match term code
Affects System Admin Staff - Adds a new capability for Moodle admin to batch add LTI activities into Moodle courses that match a specific term code.
Moodle Release - May 2017 Client Release EDA
* UNSW3-120 -local_educationaldesign: Implement Web Services for create/update activity/block/section operations
Affects System - Implement new custom APIs
Moodle Release - April 2017 Client Release 4
* UNSW3-94 mod_workshep: Implement and enable recalculate all calibrations on submission
Affects Staff - Implement a new feature where instructors can setup calibration stringencies during UNSW Workshop activity setup. Staff still retain the ability to update stringencies during the Calibration phase.
* UNSW3-119 repository_thebox: Implement assessable flag for student submissions
Affects Staff/Students - When a student uploads a media file to a Media Collection that is set to assignment type of collection, the associated file in theBox will be tagged as an assignment submission.
* UNSW3-122 Merge latest HOSTED branch
Affects Staff/Students - Applies system and security patches. Includes an updated Turnitin v2 plugin version
* UNSW3-115 mod_workshep: Improvements to submit on behalf of workflow
Affects Staff - Ability to submit on behalf of in UNSW Workshop activity is available during any phase of the UNSW Workshop activity. In addition, when student name has been added to the page when submitting on behalf of a student.
* UNSW3-110 theme_pvce: Update theme
Affects Staff/Students - Updates to the beta PVCE theme which includes a fix to hidden/orphaned sections that were appearing in the section listing.
* UNSW3-111 lang: local_teameval/block_teameval_templates: Update lang string
Affects Staff/Students - adds Beta tag to the Team Evaluation tool
* UNSW3-104 mod_teambuilder: lang: Add description string for activity selector pop-up
Affects Staff - Updates the description for the Team Builder activity in Moodle to make it more user friendly
* UNSW3-105 repository_dropbox: Enable the OAuth 2 API
Affects System - Update the configuration of the Dropbox repository to use the new API provided by the Dropbox company.
* UNSW3-117 task: Enable question duplication & execute cleanup tasks
Affects Staff - Implement some fixes to error check quiz questions that caused quizzes from being able to be duplicated.
* UNSW3-96 config: Change permission for Wimba voice modules
Affects Staff - Hides the Wimba voice activities from the activity picker in Moodle. Any existing Wimba activities that were previously added will still appear in courses.
New Feature
* UNSW3-116 auth_cas: Add command line override to Sync Scheduled Task
Affects System - Adds a system admin override for the Moodle sync.
* UNSW3-103 mod_forum: Fix automatically mark first post as read in single discussion mode
Affects Staff/Student - Fixes an issue where the first post in a single discussion forum would never be marked as read.
* UNSW3-107 block_teameval: Fix template block
Affects Staff - Apply bug fixes to the template functionality in the Team Evaluation tool.
* UNSW3-108 mod_hsuforum: Load correct parent post for AJAX threaded view
Affects Staff/Students - Fixes an issue in the Advanced Forum where the interface previously displayed the incorrect user who a poster replied to. Example, Student01 created post. Student02 replies and then Student03 replies to Student02. On Student03's reply, it would show that they replied to Student01 instead of Student02.
* UNSW3-112 mod_workshep: Fix error noevaluationcontext when enrolling users
Affects Administrators - Fixes an issue where an error occurred when trying to enrol cohorts of users to a course.
Moodle Release - March 2017 Client Release 3
Moodle Release - February 2017 Client Release 2
[UNSW3-78] - course_format: Topcoll empty section title functionality incorrectly activated
Affects Staff/Students - Section titles are now displayed correctly when sections are hidden
[UNSW3-89] - course_format: Topcoll hidden section titles not shaded when not in editing mode
Affects Staff/Students - Hidden sections are now shaded in a different colour to make it obvious that they are hidden
UNSW3-84 mod_mediagallery: Update gallery visibility display behaviour when in assignment mode
Affects Staff/Students - In group mode media galleries now display to all group members and not just the user who created the gallery
UNSW3-85 config: Enable site-wide SSL/HTTPS
Affects system - This improves the security of Moodle by using secure URL’s site wide
UNSW3-88 mod_forum: Automatically mark selected post as read
Affects Staff/Students - This allows staff and students to identify and read unread forum posts. Further development to improve this functionality will be undertaken as it currently only works well when the forum uses threaded view.
UNSW3-90 mod_mediagallery: Ignore number of lecturer created items
Affects Staff/Students - Lecturers can add files to a gallery without changing the maximum number of files a student can add
UNSW3-92 enrol_database: (block|report)_student_feedback: Student feedback pages
Affects Staff/Students - Adds a page to section 0 of each course to display feedback from students who have previously taken the course
UNSW3-93 Merge latest HOSTED branch
Affects System - applies system and security patches
UNSW3-95 theme_pvce: Update theme
Affects Staff - updates the new PVCE theme used as part of the CDT pilot
Moodle Release - January 2017 Client Release 1
[UNSW3-62] - mod_mediagallery: Center image without comment
Affects Staff/Students - Media Galleries now display as centred when comments are disabled to match the way comment enabled galleries display
[UNSW3-64] - mod_mediagallery: Remove embedded audio player for grid view
Affects Staff/Students - fixes a display error that occurs when a Media Gallery default is set to Audio view in a Moodle course that uses Grid view
[UNSW3-72] - mod_glossary: Add borders to entries and move approve icon location
Affects Staff/Students - minor interface display changes improve usability
[UNSW3-77] - theme_unsw_new: Update theme to version 3.0.3
Affects Staff/Students - fixes various theme issues including ability to edit Topic 0 description when course in is Topic mode
[UNSW3-80] - filter_thebox: Fix scrollbars appearing on thebox video iframe
Affects Staff/Students - removes the unnecessary scrollbars that appear when playing an embedded theBox video
[UNSW3-81] - Merge latest HOSTED branch
Affects System - applies system and security patches
[UNSW3-82] - filter_theboxembed: Install theBox video embedding filter
Affects Staff - the addition of an Install Media filter button to the TinyMCE editor allows theBox media to be added to Moodle activities and resources more easily
New Feature
[UNSW3-60] - theme_pvce: Initial version v2016052300
Affects Staff - adds a new theme for use by PVCE staff.
[UNSW3-73] - groups: Auto-create based on Class ID option
Affects Staff - adds the option to auto-create groups by Class ID
[UNSW3-71] - local_backup_manual: task: Refresh capability for the plugin
Affects Staff - allows staff with TELT Admin and Manager roles to create more than 2 course backup files
[UNSW3-75] - config: Add email address to block_online_users_monitor_email list
Affects System Admin - add additional system admin to system alert