Learning and Teaching Forum

Standards-Based Assessment: What Does this Mean for Higher Education?

15 Oct 2015

Learning outcomes describe what we expect students to know, understand or be able to do; standards describe the levels of performance we expect for these outcomes.  While outcomes and standards are increasingly applied to specific assessment tasks at the course level, the application of program-based outcomes and standards is less developed. This symposium explored the role of learning outcomes and performance standards in supporting student learning in higher education.  

Those involved in teaching and assessing students, designing courses, streams or programs, or interested in providing better guidance and feedback to students, were invited to attend to increase their understanding of the role of standards-based assessment and to join colleagues in examining the practicalities of implementing learning outcomes and performance standards in your teaching.


View the keynote presentation by Professor Geoff Masters here.

The video recording of the panel discussion is available here.


This Learning and Teaching Forum was designed to bring together the UNSW community to explore and disseminate the latest thinking and practice in standards-based assessment.  

The full program is available here.


Templates and guidelines are available here for presenters to use as a resource to help in the development of future posters.



The video recording of the workshop presentations is available here.


The forum program is available here.

View the keynote presentation by Professor Grace Lynch here

The video recording of the Panel Discussion is available here.

The video recording of the Workshop Presentations is available here.

Templates and guidelines for poster presenters are available here.

UNSW 2025 Strategy available here