The UNSW Assessment Policy provides detailed guidance on assessment approaches and strategies at UNSW.
The Assessment Development Framework is a good place to start - this interactive framework connects to resources on the Teaching Gateway that will be useful to the design process dependent on varying stages of assessment development, time available and teaching context.
UNSW uses Inspera as the primary digital assessment platform.
In the Assessment Toolkit you will find ideas, guidelines and practical strategies on all aspects of the assessment process and the Digital Assessment Toolkit provides a directory of examples. Assessment resources include:
- Designing Assessment
Topics in this section deal with the broader aspects of assessment design, reflecting the principles of assessment AS learning. - Assessment Methods
In this section are topics dealing with tasks and activities for diverse purposes, diverse student groups, and diverse contexts of learning. - Grading and Giving Feedback
Topics in this section include practical advice and strategies on interpreting and marking students' assessment performance, and engaging them in the critical feedback process. - Reviewing Assessment Quality
The section provides a broader perspective on the cycle of assessment quality from design, through implementation, to reviewing of grades and learning outcomes, all informing improvements to design. - Assessment research and practice at UNSW
Current practices and scholarly research in assessment within the Faculties are highlighted in this spotlight on assessment at UNSW section.
You can also see a complete list of topics in the assessment toolkit or search for specific topics.
COVID-19 - Exam Adjustment Guide for Online Delivery
This guide is aimed at supporting academic staff to implement a student’s exam adjustments according to their Equitable Learning Plan (ELP) to suit the new online delivery.
Community of Practice
The Education Focused 'EF Central' initiative provides a number of professional development opportunities for education focused academics and others!
- The Digital Assessment community of practice has produced significant output in the form of the Digital Assessment Toolkit that contains numerous examples of use at UNSW. For further information on the Digital Assessment CoP please contact the Digital Assessment CoP leader: Louise Lutze-Mann
- A community driven forum for online teaching resources has developed examples including Moodle course landing pages, quizzes, virtual reality, adaptive tutorials, student forums and online role play. To visit the Moodle site for the forum and select the 'student' access option (registration key: CoPOR). For further information please contact A/Prof Socrates Dokos directly, via [email protected] or +61-2-9385-9406.
The EF team can be contacted via: [email protected]
Related seminar recordings for UNSW staff
The Connections Seminar series and the annual Learning and Teaching Forum provide platforms for UNSW staff to explore different aspects of learning and teaching, share ideas and get feedback on practice and research.
These recordings and presentations related to assessment can be found on the respective Moodle course sites (self-enrolment key provided)
Connections Seminars
- Connections Seminar on 19 July 2019 "Threshold vs mastery": a new way to teach and assess 1st year chemistry presented by Dr Luke Hunter, Scientia Education Academy Fellow, School of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UNSW (self-enrolment key: unswconnections)
- Connections Seminar on 14 May 2019 Digital Assessment: Experience and Possibilities for UNSW presented by Dr Mathew Hillier, Academic Lead Digital Assessment, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education), UNSW (self-enrolment key: unswconnections)
- Connections Seminar on 13 November 2018: 10 years of digital assessments - insights and outlook presented by Mr Thomas Korner, ETH Zurich (self-enrolment key: unswconnections)
- Connections Seminar on 27 August 2018: Assessment provides credible information on student achievement presented by Professor Philip Jones, Assessment Lead, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education), UNSW. (self-enrolment key: unswconnections)
2019 Learning and Teaching Forum
- 2019 Learning and Teaching Forum on 26 November 2019: How am I doing? Where to next? Improving Assessment & Feedback for students AND staff presented by Ms Nikki Hayes, Ms Karin Watson (Faculty of Art & Design) and Mr Danny Carroll (UNSW Business School), (self-enrolment key: lntforum)
- 2019 Learning and Teaching Forum on 26 November 2019: Start early, stress less presented by Dr Deborah Barros Leal Farias, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (self-enrolment key: lntforum)
- 2019 Learning and Teaching Forum on 26 November 2019: Case video quizzes improve tutorial class preparation presented by Dr Veronica Jiang, School of Marketing, UNSW Business School (self-enrolment key: lntforum)
- 2019 Learning and Teaching Forum on 26 November 2019: Digital assessment: anywhere, anytime, anyhow! presented by Dr Mathew Hillier, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education), UNSW (self-enrolment key: lntforum)
- 2019 Learning and Teaching Forum on 26 November 2019: Enhanced class participation by attaching bonus marks to class activities presented by Dr Inmaculada Tomeo-Reyes on behalf of Dr Rukmi Dutta, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, Faculty of Engineering (self-enrolment key: lntforum)
- 2019 Learning and Teaching Forum on 26 November 2019: Assessment for deep learning: Developing team-based learning assessment and feedback practices to support student learning and development presented by Dr Irina Dedova and Dr Michelle Moscova, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine (self-enrolment key: lntforum)
- 2019 Learning and Teaching Forum on 26 November 2019: Closing the loop – creating opportunity for student partnership to continually improve courses in Medicine presented by Associate Professor Adrienne Torda and Ms Dayna Duncan, Office of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine (self-enrolment key: lntforum)
2018 Learning and Teaching Forum
- 2018 Learning and Teaching Forum on 26 October 2018: Can essays be less onerous to write? (or to mark?) presented by Dr Patricia Arthur, School of Optometry and Vision Science, Faculty of Science (self-enrolment key: lntforum)
- 2018 Learning and Teaching Forum on 26 October 2018: Unlocking student feedback data to improve the student experience presented by Dr Christine Mathies, Deputy Dean (Education) Portfolio, UNSW Business School (self-enrolment key: lntforum)
- 2018 Learning and Teaching Forum on 26 October 2018: Exploring E-exams at UNSW: Courage, Fear and Triumph presented by Professor Chris Tisdell, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science (self-enrolment key: lntforum)