Create a Moodle Teaching Instance and Release it to Instructors

This page supplies TELT Administrators with instructions for creating a Moodle teaching course site in myUNSW and releasing it to course instructors.

For permission (in both myUNSW and Moodle) to do this, apply to Academic Administration. Your Head of School or Associate Dean, Education, will have to sign off on your application.

1. Create a Moodle course site

TELT Administrators create a Moodle site, tied to a course code, in myUNSW. Ideally you would create a course during the timetabling or term planning process (Learning Management phase), in which case you would use option A. However, you can still create a course at a later stage, using the option B process.

Further documentation on the use of myUNSW can be found on the TELT Administration page.

Option A: Create a course during term planning

  1. Sign on to myUNSW.
  2. On your portal page, click the Academic Admin tab.
  3. On the Academic Admin page, in the left-hand menu, under Interactive services, select Term Planning.
  4. On the Course List page:
  • Select the appropriate Term, Campus, Career, Session, Subject Area and Teaching Period.
  • Enter the appropriate Catalogue Number or prefix and click Search.
  • When the correct course displays in the Search Results, click Select.
  1. On the Term Planning page, in the left-hand menu, select Learning Management.
  2. On the LMS Requirements page, under Learning Management Systems Used, select the Moodle check box, then click Next Step. Note that this does not assign any instructors or tutors to the site.
  3. Do you want to link additional courses or add instructors to the Moodle module?
  • If yes, in the LMS Summary section click Select and continue to the next step.
  • If no, click Back and click Save & Return to finalise the process, and add details later using the Option B instructions. End of instructions.
  1. Do you want to link an additional course?
  • If yes, click Edit Module, search for the course as you did for the first course, and click Save & Return.
  • If no, click Next Step.
  1. In the Staff Selection Criteria section, enter the staff ID or name of the staff member to be added, and click Search ID or Search Names.
  2. When the Search Results display, click Add Staff to move the selected staff member into the Staff Roles box.
  3. Select their role in the Moodle course from the Staff Role drop-down list. (You can edit this selection and role later.)
  4. Click Next Step.
  5. The day after you lodge the myUNSW request for a Moodle course, the course will display in Moodle. You will no longer be able to edit the Term Planning data (it will be greyed out), and you will have to make any other changes using the Option B instructions.

This sequence relies on the daily processing of SiMs data between myUNSW and Moodle; a minimum 2 days are required before the course can be released to academic staff.

Option B: Create a course after term planning has been completed

  1. Sign on to myUNSW.
  2. On your portal page, click the Academic Admin tab.
  3. On the Academic Admin page, in the left-hand Student & Academic Admin menu, under Interactive services, select Learning Management.
  4. On the Module Search page, click Add New Module.
  5. On the Course List page, Under ***New Module***, at LMS Type, select Moodle.
  6. Under Course Selection Criteria, select the appropriate Teaching Period, Campus, Career and Subject Area, and enter the appropriate Catalogue Number or prefix.
  7. Click Search.
  8. When the correct course displays in the Search Results, click Add to Module. (Multiple courses can be added to a single module.)
  9. In the ***New Module*** section of the page, at Module Title, add the semester number and year (e.g. " - S2, 2014").
  10. Click Next Step.
  11. On the staff selection page, in the Staff Selection Criteria section, enter the name or staff ID of the staff member to be added
  12. Click Search ID or Search Names, depending on your search criterion.
  13. When the Search Results display, click Add Staff to move the appropriate staff member into the Staff Roles box.
  14. In the Staff Roles section, select the person's role in the Moodle course from the Role drop-down list. (You can edit this selection and role later.)
  15. Click Save & Return.
  16. The day after you lodge the myUNSW request for a Moodle course, the course will display in Moodle.

This sequence relies on the daily processing of NSS data between myUNSW and Moodle; a minimum 2 days are required before the course can be released to academic staff.

2. Apply a faculty template to the blank Moodle site

Once you've created the course, but before you release it to the course instructors, this is the time to apply a faculty template to it. Faculty-specific Moodle course templates allow the faculty to implement a baseline standard for online courses, including links to important policy documents and procedures, and specifying default settings and layout. Once TELT Administrators have applied the faculty template, instructors can import their course materials and adapt the site as needed.

Now that the Moodle Enhance template is being implemented in all faculties (and eventually divisions), there is a set process for updating courses to include both the Moodle Enhance template and the any faculty-specific template into all course shells.

Contact your Faculty TELT Administrator or Education support team to discuss your faculty-specific Moodle course template.

3. Release the Moodle site to the instructor

  1. Sign on to myUNSW and click the Academic Admin tab.
  2. On the Academic Admin page, in the left-hand menu, under Interactive services, select Learning Management.
  3. On the Module Search page, in the Module Selection Criteria section, at Included course enter the course code and click Search.
  4. When the correct module displays in the Search Results, click its Select button.
  5. On the module's page, from the left-hand menu, select Module Staff.
  6. On the Staff Roles page, under Staff Selection Criteria, enter staff details and click either Search ID or Search Names, depending on the information you have entered.
  7. When the correct staff member displays in the Search Results, click their Add Staff button. The screen will refresh, with the staff member listed in the Staff Roles section.
  8. Select their role from the Select role drop-down list.
  9. Repeat steps 6 to 8 until all relevant staff have been selected.

  1. Click Save & Return. Once the NSS updates have run the following morning, the course site will be visible to the Instructor, who can add or import course content as necessary.

Alert instructors: If they want to import into the new site an existing course that has more topics than the template, before they import they will need to Edit the course settings to increase the number of topics (to perhaps 2 more than are required) to maximise the chance of a successful import.