From 2023 the Summative Peer Review process will be discontinued. Summative Peer Review is no longer required for promotion or award purposes. Instead, you are encouraged to participate in Formative Peer Review. If you still wish to organise your own Summative Peer Review, please see a list of possible peer reviewers at the bottom of this page. You may find the Asynchronous and Synchronous Summative Peer Review Templates listed below useful. These are based on the 6 Principles of Quality Teaching (you can read more about the Principles of Quality Teaching by clicking on the Formative Peer Review tab on the right).
List of Reviewers
If you would like to organise a summative peer review of teaching by someone outside your faculty, you may contact one of your colleagues listed here.
If you would like to organise a summative peer review of teaching by someone outside your faculty, you may contact one of your colleagues listed here.
The following academics have training and experience in cross-faculty summative peer review and have kindly agreed to be contacted by people seeking an optional summative peer review. Please note reviewers may be approached by several people and have the right to say no if they do not have capacity at the time of a request.
ADFA (Canberra) | Arts Design and Architecture | Business | Engineering | Law | Medicine | Science |
Neda Aboutorab Michael Barlow Natalie Cujes Eleanor Hancock Xiuping Jia Kathryn Kasmarik Chi King Lee David Meacheam Gavin Mount Andrew Neely Heather Neilson Minako Sakai Shirley Scott Leesa Sidhu Warren Smith Clifford Woodward John Young |
Deborah Barros Leal Farias Collin Chua Terry Cumming Cath Ellis Catherine Evans Hoon Han Jae Jung Michelle Langford Benson Lim Karen Maras Simon McIntyre Fiona Morrison Hoa Nguyen Simon Pinnegar Anna Rowe Grant Stevens Riza Sunindijo Chihiro Thomson Pan Wang Karin Watson Melanie White Philip Oldfield |
Tania Bucic Suzanne Chan-Serafin Victoria Clout Isabella Dobrescu Gigi Foster Peter Heslin Kevin Liu Alberto Motta Natalie Oh George Shinkle Yenni Tim Jinki Trevillian Robert Tumarkin Mark Uncles Janis Wardrop |
Graeme Bushell Steven Davis Socrates Dokos Con Doolan Julien Epps Mahbub Hassan Gernot Heiser Sami Kara Furqan Le-Hussain May Lim Peyman Mostaghimi Joung Oh Maurice (Morry) Pagnucco Garth Pearce Stuart Prescott Gangadhara Prusty Simit Raval Alison Lennon Alistair Sproul |
Catherine (Kate) Bond Scott Donald Ben Golder Rosemary Kayess (nee Mulraney) Alyce McGovern Jennifer Moore Marina Nehme Justine Nolan Justine Rogers Amelia Thorpe |
Arvin Damodaran Melanie Fentoullis Linda Ferrington Angela Finch Karen Gibson Cristan Herbert Nicole Jones Trevor Lewis Tony O'Sullivan Husna Razee Alison Seccull Silas Taylor Nicodemus Tedla Adrienne Torda Gary Velan Richard Vickery |
Liz Angstmann Stephen Bonser Sammy Chan Anne Galea Judy Hart Isabelle Jalbert Sieu Khuu Michele Madigan Angela Moles Scott Mooney Paul Munroe Angela Nickerson Jenny Richmond Branka Spehar John Stride Chris Tisdell Mark Wilcox |